Dakoteyah Wogdaka!
Talk Dakota!

Lesson 12
Aηpetu Iyohi Woeye
(everyday phrases)
Otoηwe ekta bda. (I am going to town).
Mazaska tipi ekta bda. (I am going to the bank).
Mazopiye taηka ekta bda. (I am going to the supermarket).
Wopetoη bda. (I am going shopping).
Wih́di okaśtaη tipi ekta bda. (I am going to the gas station).
Wowaśi ećon bda. (I am going to work).
Wayawatipi ekta bda. (I am going to the school).
Hipiya tipi ekta bda. (I am going to the dentist office).
Owayazaηkatipi ekta bda. (I am going to the hospital).
Wapazopitipi ekta bda. (I am going to the movies).
Owoźaźatipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the laundromat).
Wayekiyatipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the casino).
Pahiη piya tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the beauty salon).
Owaηka tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the motel).
Owotetipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the restaurant).
Otoηwetaηka ekta yapi. (They are going to the city).
Wowapi oźuźu tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the post office).
Waoηspewakaηtu tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the college).
Okaśda tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the barbershop).
Wayasu tipi ekta yapi. (They are going to the courthouse).
Tipi Wakaη ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the church).
Peźuta mazopiye ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the drugstore).
Wićaśaitokśu oinaźiη ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the bus depot).
Woyute mazopiye ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the grocery store).
Owaćitipi ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the dance hall).
Ośkatetipi ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the sports center).
Takad iyaye. (He/she has gone outside).
Timahed iyaye. (He/she has gone inside).
Oiśtiηme kiη ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the bedroom).
Oigduźaźapi ekta iyaye. (He/she has gone to the bathroom).
Wakiya tipi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the lawyer’s office).
Wakaηh́di tipi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the electric company).
Tićaǵapi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the building construction site).
Ide kasni tipi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the fire department).
Owićakaśke tipi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the police station).
Iyećiηka piya tipi ekta uηyapí. (We are going to the garage).
Omazapetipi ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the telephone company).
Peźuta wićaśa ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the doctor).
Peźutawiyopeya ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the pharmacist).
H́emani oinaźiη ekta uηyapi. (We are going to the train depot).
Woyute oηǵe maḱu. (Give me some food).
Peźuta oηǵe maḱu. (Give me some medicine).
Mni oηǵe maḱu. (Give me some water).
Heyake oηǵe maḱu. (Give me some clothes).
Mazaska oηǵe maḱu. (Give me some money).
Ćaηdi oηǵe wićaḱu. (Give them some cigarettes).
Peźi h́ota oηǵe wićaḱu. (Give them some sage).
Wakadyapi oηǵe wićaḱu. (Give them some coffee).
Waśtukena oηǵe wićaḱu. (Give them some dried corn).
Ṕaṕa oηǵe wićaḱu. (Give them some jerky).
Wah́pe oηǵe uηḱupi. (Give us some tea).
Aǵuyapi oηǵe uηḱupi. (Give us some bread).
Wahaηpi oηǵe uηḱupi. (Give us some soup).
Waskuyeća oηǵe uηḱupi. (Give us some fruit).
Tado oηǵe uηḱupi. (Give us some meat).
Wotaηiη wowapi waηźi iću. (Get a newspaper).
Ogde waηźi iću. (Get a coat).
Nakpiyutake waηźi iću. (Get a scarf).
Śina waηźi iću. (Get a blanket).
Taspaη waηźi iću. (Get an apple).
Iyećiηka ikikću. (Get your car).
Haηpa ikikću. (Get your shoes).
Napiηkpa ikikću. (Get your gloves).
Śuηka ikikću. (Get your dog).
Nićuηkśi ikikću. (Get your daughter).
Asaηpi oηǵe iwaću. (I got/took some milk).
Taspaηzi waηźi iwaću. (I got/took an orange).
Woźapi oηǵe iwaću. (I got/took some pudding).
Hiipaśku waηźi iwaću. (I got/took a toothpick).
Asaηpi oηǵe imićiću. (I got myself some milk).
Ipahiη waηźi imićiću. (I got myself a pillow).
Paikpaźaźa oηǵe imićiću. (I got myself some shampoo).
Ćaηhaηpśaśa oηǵe imićiću. (I got myself some candy).
Oη wagaǵeǵepi waηźi imićiću. (I got myself a sewing machine).
Oyate waećoηpi kiη tuktetu he? (Where is the tribal office)?
Bde Ihaηke tuktetu he? (Where is Lake Andes)?
Mazopiye tuktetu he? (Where is the store)
Śina Sapa tuktetu he? (Where is Marty)?
Owakpamni tuktetu he? (Where is Greenwood)?
Wih́di okaśtaη tipi tuktetu he? (Where is the gas station)?
Owayaηzaηkatipi tuktetu he? (Where is the hospital)?
Owićikaśketipi tuktetu he? (Where is the police station)?
Owotetipi tuktetu he? (Where is the restaurant)?
Tohaη omnićiye he? (When is the meeting)?
Tohaη wotapi he? (When are they eating)?
Tohaη da he? (When are you going)?
Tohaη wowaśi ećoη da he? (When are you going to work)?
Tohaη woyawa da he? (When are you going to school)?
Tohaη peźuta kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting/taking the medicine)?
Tohaη iyećiηka kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting/taking the car)?
Tohaη iteowapi kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting/taking the picture)?
Tohaη wowapi kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting/taking the papers)?
Tohaη heyake kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting/taking the clothes)?
Tohaη wiηyaη kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting the woman)?
Tohan ikmuna kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting the kitten)?
Tohan niciηkśi iyaću kta he? (When are you getting your son)?
Tohaη tataηka kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting the buffalo)?
Tohaη wićiηćana kiη iyaću kta he? (When are you getting the girl)?
Tohaη wakaηheźa kiη iwićayaću kta he? (When are you going to get the children)?
Tohaη śuηǵpana kiη iwićayaću kta he? (When are you going to get the puppies)?
Tohan hokśina kiη iwićayaću kta he? (When are you going to get the boys)?
Tohan nihuηkake iwićayaću kta he? (When are you going to get your parents)?
Tohaη śuηkawakaη kiη iwićayaću kta he? (When are you getting the horses)?
Tokiya da he? (Where are you going)?
Tokiya ada he? (Where are you taking it)?
Tokiya Chaske ada he? (Where are you taking Chaske)?
Tokiya Uηći ada he? (Where are you taking Grandmother)?
Tokiya Ina ada he? (Where are you taking Mom)?
Tokiya hokśina kiη awićada he? (Where are you taking the boys)?
Tokiya awićada he? (Where are you taking them)?
Tokiya wakaηheźa kiη awićada he? (Where are you taking the children)?